Saturday, December 23, 2023

Final Project for DYP - Pinatas

How do you decide what to make? What can you fill your pinata with that will help tell a story?

+ If you pick something like Godzilla or a Demon - maybe we fill it with spicy candy, flame shaped paper etc OR we could contrast it - by filling it with flowers, or hearts

+ What are some different things we could fill our pinatas with - affirmations? riddles?

+ How does the act of destruction help tell your story? If it is a scary creature, maybe the mouth is what gets ripped open to reveal teeth or red fabric like a river of fire. Maybe you have a heart that breaks. *For mine, I have Eye with the world for an iris and tears will be revealed when ripped apart.

We will have 4 days to make this - you can work in groups, and only the people who make one will get to destroy them on our final (5th) day.

Day 1 - Plan out your pinata, begin constructing the base
Day 2 - Paper mache begins - final day to let me know what you need me to pick up for the inside part
Day 3 - Paint/Tissue paper inside and outside, fill and seal
Day 4 - Destruction ceremony and end of semester convo about what did and didn't work for them during the residency

(Mock up fotos coming soon)


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