Wednesday, March 22, 2023

Character Design @Chelsea CTE: Week 7 - Impromptu design-at-home!

Critique Videos are uploaded to the Google Classroom or Click Here! - watch before jumping in to your assignment, which will be due by Monday. Use these images as some inspiration about exploring the edges and specificities of your characters. Things to think about while looking at these images:

What kinds of shapes, patterns and textures are used in each image?

What makes each of these images different from each other?

Which shapes, patterns or textures stand out to you?

Can you find places in your sketches to explore some of the things that you are drawn to in this body of images?


1 full body drawing and a close up face drawing of your main character - If you are doing a transformation, please include the before and after in some capacity. If they have clothing or tools they need in the story, please also have those things included.

Answer these questions on the same page as your character:

1. What part of the world/time period does your character come from? Is it an alternate timeline, or does the world they live in have different rules then ours? How do we know?

2. What is your character's goal/motivations? How does their design help us to understand that?

3. How do you want the audience to perceive/feel about your character? How do your design choices convey that?

Inspiration for the week:

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